There are a lot of details missing
Multe lucruri par neclare, nu cred ca sunt pregatit sa imi asum un angajament.
The Small Step offers your customer the comfort and Safety about avoiding uncalculated risks: I understand your need for clarity, a first step we can take is to present you the options in detail, to increase clarity.
Tactical Empathy is the best way to relate to the need behind the objection: From what you're saying, I understand clarity is essential to you and we can certainly relate to this.
The Loss, in ttheir case, will help the customer to balance fear of risks with fear of losing something important: I understand and respect your need for Safety, let's see how we can clarify as soon as possible, so that you don't lose the opportunity we have now.
Pasul mic ofera clientului confortul si siguranta ca evita riscurile necalculate: Inteleg nevoia dvs de claritate, un prim pas sigur pe care il putem face este sa va prezentam detaliat optiunile, ca sa crestem claritatea.
Empatia tactica este cel mai bun mod de a relationa cu nevoia din spatele obiectiei: Inteleg din ce imi spuneti ca pentru dumneavoastra este esential sa aveti claritate, e firesc sa va doriti acest lucru inainte de orice angajament
Pierderea in acest caz il ajuta pe client sa puna in balanta teama de riscuri cu teama de a pierde ceva important: Inteleg si respect nevoia dvs de claritate, haideti sa vedem cum putem clarifica cat mai curand, asa incat sa nu pierdeti oportunitatea pe care o avem acum.